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SCM医疗行业 | 材料解决方案篇【2】
SCM医疗行业 | 材料解决方案篇【2】
3-1、注射器活塞(Syringe Gaskets)-P.V101.A60.B
•符合USP Class VI[Meeting requirements of USP Class VI]
•符合欧洲药典专刊3.2.8[Meeting requirements of European Pharmacopoeia monographs of 3.2.8]
•可灭菌消毒[Suitable for sterilization]
3-2、输液瓶盖(Infusion Bottle Caps)-P.G401.A45.701
•符合USP Class VI[Meeting requirements of USP Class VI]
•符合欧洲药典专刊3.2.9[Meeting requirements of European Pharmacopoeia monographs of 3.2.9]
•可消毒[Suitable for sterilization]
•萃取[ISO10993-18 (Extractables)ISO 10993-18]
3-3、医用软管和连接器(Medical hoses and connectors)-P.V101.A60.N
•符合USP Class VI[Meeting requirements of USP Class VI]
•符合欧洲药典专刊3.2.8[Meeting requirements of European Pharmacopoeia monographs of 3.2.9]
•可粘结塑料[Bondable onto plastics]
3-4、无菌瓶盖密封(Sterile Water Bottle Closure Seals)-P.G401.A45.701
•符合USP Class VI[Meeting requirements of USP Class VI]
•符合欧洲药典专刊3.2.9[Meeting requirements of European Pharmacopoeia monographs of 3.2.9]
•优异的密封性能[Excellent sealing performance]
•可消毒[Suitable for sterilization]
3-5、尿导管(Urine Catheters)-P.V101.A60.N&P.G400.A65.N
•优异的压缩变形[Excellent compression set]
•可消毒[Suitable for sterilization]
3-6、保护帽(Protecting Caps)-P.G401.A45.N
•符合USP Class VI[ Meeting requirements of USP Class VI]
•优异的自密封[Excellent sealing performance]
•可消毒[Suitable for sterilization]
3-7、抗静电医疗鞋(Antistatic Clogs)-G418.A60.N
•电阻10⁸Ω[Electrical resistance]
•永久抗静电性能[Works independently from relative humidity Permanent antistatic propert]
•生产和灭菌后即可抗静电[Immediate antistatic property after production and sterilization]
•耐磨[Abrasion resistance]
•可消毒[Suitable sterilization]
3-8、口罩密封垫(Breathing Mask Gaskets)-F.G400.A70.T
•亲肤[Skin friendly]
•优良的密封性[Excellent sealing performance]
•可包胶[Overmolding onto plastics]
3-9、磨牙症病牙卫士(Dental Guards for Bruxism Disease)-G901.A40.T
•符合牙科应用[Suitable for dental application]
•抗撕裂和耐磨性能[Tear and abrasion resistant]
•磨紧咬保护[Protection for grinding and clenching]
3-10、母乳泵板(Breast milk Pump Panels)-G601.A45.402
•无卤阻燃级别[Halogen free flame retardant]
•耐高温[Heat resistance]